
DD Foody Stuff - Papaya Pudding

Today I cut a papaya and ate 1/4 of it. The two little kids refused to eat any - why waste the food? Then I decided to update the DD kitchen recipe today! - It has been at least a month since I last made something special. I have always been waiting till the weather is cool a little bit - but I guess I can't wait that long...especially for a long weekend!

So - here we go!
Ingredients: a large cup of milk, cut papaya, two eggs, two large spoons of sugar
1. Heat the milk and put sugar in, stir until the sugar is fully melted
2. Cool down the milk and scramble two eggs into it and mix it well
3. Sift twice
4. Put the papaya into pudding cups and fill the mixer into the cups to about 80%  full
5. Put hot water into baking pan and put cups into the pan
6. Put the pan carefully into the preheated oven (340F) and leave it there for ~70 min (I originally set the temperature to 325F for 50min then I realized that I have to raise the temperature...)

When you see the pudding in the middle is about to be jelly-ish, you can carefully take the pan out. Remove the cups from the water and let them cool down - I like to eat warm but I'm pretty sure they taste better when cold! So Emmo put two cups into refrigerator and leave them to savor later :p  I hope they like it - Next time I should put more sugar to make it perfect!

