

Today is busy and rough. After work when I was finally home I didn't even feel relaxed. I haven't been cooking much recently. Maybe its really time for me to find a new place to stay? But I'm afraid that if I do find another place I will be sinking into the complete solitude and not being able to get out. I spent the rest of the night writing my daily blog - I have been writing for 54 days now - and I suddenly feel sad. I was writing how nowadays people like to connect with each other and know what other people are doing everyday. It's like in sophie's world they have this saying about a magician makes a rabbit out of his hat. We are at the bottom of the fur of the rabbit. Rather comfortably we are staying there not thinking to climb up the fur to see how the magician is like. We care about too little pieces of trivial information that we lose the whole picture.

Irefuse to be like that. I refuse to report to the world what I'm doing every moment and I refuse to sink into the daily trivial bits of news and feeds and tweets and all. I need to unplug, whenever I want to. But why is that hard? Why do people,  the silly powerless people want to be like the rest of the world,  want to...blend in?

I'm furious and helpless and sleepy now. I thought of something my friend said to me today. He said that if I want to travel I should go for any grad school. Am I wasting my time trying to explain what I want? Am I a dreamer? Am I too of a perfectionist that I lose my purpose? 

All I want to say is that I am tired of my life. The aspect that I'm so contradictory to myself. I want to be normal - satisfy with my daily life, with my food with my work with little chats with news on the web. But the moment I'm close enough I repel and refuse and shout out loud furiously like what I'm doing now.


I have a feeling that unless something significant changes, it will bother me for at least a few years. I want to fast forward and see what I have become. 



I bought a camera last weekend. So I told my mom, and she said: Take a picture per day and send to me, would you?

I thought it for a while and agreed. I hope I will be able to take the camera out more, and take more photos. Sometimes it's just joyous to watch the beauty of the nature, but I always hate it when I'm not able to capture it with my camera. I think I need to learn, little by little.

I also started a project called a hundred days. Each day I would write an article about my thoughts, my stories and stories I heard. I want to see if I can do it - 100 is not a small number and the perseverance is what I'm looking for. For now I'm writing in Chinese as my capability to express my feelings in English is still limited. I hope I could also improve my English :)

To discover the beauty of life, and to record it. That's the goal of these projects...

Parks. Day 1 and Day 2


Random stuff

I was trying Pandora yesterday and I had to say that I loved it. I started with Yiruma (I thought they didn't have Joe Hisaishi, but I just found it!) and the music it recommended was all good. I always thought Pandora had only pop and loud music. This is so nice that I could find a lot more music that I like! It's a pity though I could only use it thru wi-fi... But I guess it's ok, I'm home a lot.

I went to Death Valley recently with two friends. I felt I was back to college days again when I could travel freely without worrying too much. I felt the confusion each of us had, towards the unknown future, towards life, career, study and love. I felt I was not alone. Maybe I should go out more. But I have few friends near me that have time to travel with me! I guess I should try traveling alone :p

I've been reading existentialism recently, and I was digging out a blog post my friend and I wrote three years ago about the meaning of life. I could tell we are still confused about our lives, but now we both have a different view. He used to think there was an ultimate meaning of life for human being - god didn't create human being for nothing, they have to accomplish a goal or something, and he was trying to find that goal. I used to think the ultimate goal was to become true, kind and beautiful. I wrote again under that post, saying I'm still confused but I think I have better understanding of the world now. He replied that he now thought life didn't have a meaning, and we were born for nothing - we should find happiness and enjoy the happiness in our lives. He said he almost didn't know what his dream was any more. I felt so sad reading it that I almost cried. So I replied more and we started to discuss the Sisyphus pushing up a stone everyday for what. I think we both agreed that life is meaningless up to now. I just don't know what is happiness. I thought he meant eat sleep and stop thinking, which I couldn't accept. Then he said it could be anything that makes you happy, simple things, nature, emotions or thinking. Now I feel better - I even feel that he is right. For me, maybe, thinking makes me happy. Finding the meaning of life (Or rather, putting a meaning on this meaningless life) is a happy deed for me - that is something that makes my Sisyphus happy everyday pushing up the stone, rather than feeling miserable and hopeless. Hope. Ah, hope. I almost forget this word. I still have hope, at least now. I don't know what I'm hoping for, what I still believe in this world, in our lives, in the surprises and touching moment they bring us. Like what Andy said in Shawshank Redemption, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.

So I shall keep the hope and try to be happy more, to make this meaningless life not a punishment but a enjoyable journey.  















一路回程,途经Zabriska point稍作停留。一把蓝天下的椅子让我神往不已,可惜也终究没有能一坐为快。由于租的车不能去土路,只能取消了去看世界七大奇迹之一 会动的石头的计划。向着LA的方向前进。可惜LA周末下雨,卡特琳娜岛去不了,就去了星光大道和柯达剧院。雨还淅淅沥沥的,冲出去冒雨照了相,还被路边扮演角色的人拉去强迫给了消费,一切都还不错,只是都在冒冒失失的横冲乱撞,或许是LA的雨实在是太大了。美食美景。海边。六旗过山车公园。当katsu飞向云端的那一刻,我忽然觉得自由了。想挣脱所有的枷锁。想永远的在阳光下闭上眼。





 Saturday morning. It feels like spring, sunny but not too bright. It's like seeing through the world from a bridal's veil - soft, creamy, and vague. Pleasant - yes, but somehow a little upset is in the air, like hundreds of thousands of dust particles dancing in the slant of light.  

I have a wedding to attend today. Yes, a wedding. My head is swirling up and somehow I feel like I just got the news. But I had accepted the news, or rather, someone accepted it for me.

“Mom”, I yelled, “who’s invited among my friends?”

Mom is busy doing her stuff, as usual. “Just Amy and her mother.” She yelled back.

“What? Only? That’s --” I paused, then I mumbled slowly - “not fair…”

No one replies. Nobody ever cares they are all busy. I start to think who wrote all the invitation cards – they must be pretty and are all red and gold with flowers - most importantly, with my name on it.

And his. 

Yes, him. The thinking of him makes me uneasy. Whenever I think of him, he is always smiling mildly. The smile is calm and kind, but it drives me crazy – the emotionless, endless calm and kindness drive me to an extreme of explosion almost. I’m like a balloon that is weightless, single string attached, and anxious for an answer about my future. Up in the air, my rosy cheeks are turning pale – ah, the scarcity of air.

When I stand next to him, I think about whether my string should be wrapped around this guy. It doesn’t feel right. Something is wrong. But I am tired and numb, so I just try to refocus on something else. Like who else is invited. Relatives, friends, family members from both sides.

The wedding is approaching. The light is shifting gear, maybe it’s almost noon. I’m together with him, exchanging questions and answers about trivial issues that could happen during the wedding. I’m nervous and strangely, sad. I don’t feel excited at all, and I keep thinking how many people will get the invitation and arrive soon. All I think is that it’s too late to call off the wedding.

Imagine the happiness of all my friends and family members when they get the invitation. Imagine they will hurrily pick up their beautiful clothes and grab a taxi to come here. Imagine how to inform them I’m going to call it off. Imagine their faces when they hear the news that the wedding is going to be cancelled. I would hide myself somewhere. I would be so afraid to see them disappointed, so afraid.

Maybe I’m just a coward. The destiny was already written there for me, and someone other than me has already accepted it for me. All I need to do is to show up, and – to live with him for the rest of my life?

I chilled.

Slowly, I turn to him and ask the question that I have been thinking so long and wanting so long to be answered:

Do you love me?

He turned his eyes at me. He is smiling again. It’s like a pond with dead water, no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make a ripple out of it.

“To hear the truth?” He is still smiling. “Sure”, I didn’t even give it a thought. I have been asking for this a million times in my heart already.

“Not any more.” He said, the voice of him calm and casual, like he is talking about the weather today.

Ah. I almost felt relief. I know what I’m going to do – I’m going to call it off. I do not and absolutely don’t want to spend the rest of my life with him, just for fear of cancelling a wedding and causing trouble to people who attend it. Seriously, I was even going to do the wedding, just for sake of all these people someone else has invited. But the repulsion of a guy that doesn’t love me anymore, and the hope that I have towards myself have helped me getting over it. Get it over, I’m calling it off.

Mom was disappointed. Some of my friends understood, some of them got angry by the last minute call. I was watching people come with presents, sit, stand up and go. It feels like afternoon already. Not too hot, not too bright – everything is showered in the creamy soft air.

He seems fine, somewhat relieved too, but he doesn’t show much of a feeling at all. Finally I asked, what happened? Why are we getting married, and when did you get over me?

So many questions. He didn’t show a trace of impatience. That’s why I hate him, he doesn’t even care. “Grandma saw us together so long so she just proposed that we get married”, he said, “I couldn’t think of a reason not to, so.”

Ok, that makes sense. What about the timeline you got over me? I say to myself.

“About one month”, he thought for a second and casually said. “I got used to the way we are together, and lost interest.”

This feels like a humiliation. But I’m too slow to react in words. I didn’t say anything. Whole wheat bread, plain yogurt and water bottle. That’s the way I present to you. What about you? A mild smile. Forever kind look in the eye. Mr. Right in every other people’s mind. Good bye. I feel I’m rising up to the sky, little by little rising up, swaying and aloof – it almost feels like I’m the balloon again and someone cut me loose. I don’t know what happened, but I feel, somehow better.

I opened my eyes. It was a weird dream. Yet I felt relieved. Maybe I got the answer that I’ve been asking so long. The bridal’s veil is gone, with all the creamy and soft air. What a Spring day today! The weather is just lovely. I climb out of the bed and start getting ready for another typical workday.


Saying Goodbye

Very soon a good friend of mine will be leaving me to live in the east coast. I can still tell how I handle this is very similar to what I did before - which was I didn't realize the fact until afterwards. By saying realizing the fact, I meant spending time thinking what it would meant to me. It feels - surreal. I have had that experience several times already. I keep going on with my daily life, try not to think about it, until it is already too late.

I still remember how sad I was when I was parted with my ex-boyfriend. I cried the whole way after I have said goodbye to him and boarded a bus. I cried for several days in a roll. But I didn't feel too sad when I was still with him, though I knew back then that we would be parted soon, as I would go to US for study. The same thing happened again with my best friends in college. We hugged goodbye, without feeling too sad. Then one day later on a train back to my hometown I missed them like crazy.

Why do I have to do such a thing EVERYTIME?

I think the reason is, I don't like to be sad anymore and break my heart anymore. I know the feeling too well that it's almost like a electrical shock - once you've tasted it, you don't really want to step into it again. So I try not to be sad.

I have good reasons to be sad but my mind stops me from being sad - it detects the mood and rapidly changes the topic. How strange is that?

Then, let me say goodbye in this virtual world then. I know I try to play cool and you try to play cool too. It's hard to describe the friendship - trust, encouragement, though sometimes helplessly. Today you told me to face the fact that I will eventually choose to stay in the US. That's the only advice you gave me - you used to say I was stubborn, workaholic. But I guess none of them is important anymore, in front of parting. Well, it's a process and I admit that sometimes you are right. You helped me to be me, helped in my small and big decisions - though not every time I listen to you. But I cherish the friendship and the frankness that belongs to it. I wish you the best in your future journey. I wish we can all find the answers to our questions, one day.


Daming Palace

I watched a great documentary called "Daming Palace" today. I haven't seen such a good documentary in a long long time. The music and picture is fantanstic, let alone the narration. Daming Palace was once the central of the largest city in the world, around 7th century A.D. I was deeply touched: A city that embraced all kinds of cultures, ethnities and thoughts. A palace that was magnificent, solemn yet open-minded. People from all over the world travelled to here, learned something and went back. Some peole spent there whole life there, like Abeno Nakamaro. It was exactly like a US society, but an empire version, plus a major culture. Why, after over 1000 years, we still struggle for the openness and tolerance our country once achieved?

Sometimes when I'm at a museum I gaze at a vaze, or a dancing figures, my thoughts would fly a thousand years back to imagine what the life and world was like back in that time. Isn't that amazing? Everyone could only live a limited time of his/her life, but hundreds of thousands of people of a time create a thing called history. Some unknown crafter made a pottery figure for fun, he/she would never know that many many years later someone would gaze upon it with surpise and being touched at the same time. Ah, fanscinated.

I know that the palace is no longer there, only the ruins. But I still want to go to the city, just to walk on the same soil of the once greatest empire or to touch the ruins of the past. I can understand why people like to film those movies where a person travels back to the history - it is really fanscinating, just to think about it.

The past is the past, but the lively stories of the people from the past will go to the next generation on and on, until the end of the civilization. Maybe many years later, a child, with his innocent eyes, would gaze upon my belongings. I shall see my world again in his eyes.

A computer generated picture of the original Daming Palace




我想说的是,有的时候我真的觉得有点可悲。做父母的真不容易,所有精力都在孩子身上。孩子说要吃这个,立马就做,孩子说要做那个,立马就做那个。人的一生,自己的目标是什么?昨天一天Nelly不在家 于是我们轻松了很多。晚上去吃马氏(CC你知道的)回来的路上我问PY你觉得今天感觉怎样?PYF说,哇 我感觉很轻松。结果PY绕了360度的弯,就是不肯承认她觉得轻松……我有时候在想,假如我遇到这种事情,我一定要调整自己的情绪不能整天就围绕一个人转。嗯。说得轻松。

入手了模拟人生3。还蛮贵的,不过现在实在是懒得下载怕下了半天又玩不了,干脆支持正版。出来很久了,一直没有想起要玩。最近十分好奇,养成模拟类游戏是游戏中我唯一感兴趣的。当然,还有那种哈利波特类型的,留到下次。我在想是否应该给小朋友们买一个Wii的好玩的游戏,他们的生活确实是有点单调……总比埋在电脑上好。但是毕竟是游戏……唔 再思考一下……


I thought I didn't care any more

This is quite ironic. Three of my good friends were happily jumping up in front of the historical building in my hometown, while I - who used to be among them all the time - am browsing the photos alone in front of my slow computer in another country far far away.

Well, I thought I didn't care any more. The fact that I was leaving out, and will be leaving out, is scary. I couldn't imagine being with them. No. But if I really don't care that much, why would it matter? I try to imagine myself in the photo. Laughing out loudly and jumping up - it hurts. I probably will end up saying I don't feel well and I have to leave.

I could almost feel my tears when I saw the photos. You are still alive, and look, you are happy. I wouldn't want to see you again. I could pretend that I'm strong enough, but I'm not, so I'm just going to be hiding. One good thing about being grown up is that you can admit things that you've never admitted before.

Ah, the vulnerable human being! I hate it and yet the emotional aspect is the only reason that life is worth living.