
She tries to see the world for just a few seconds

She is waiting at a red light, as always. Tired of work, she takes off her glasses and tries to see the world for just a few seconds.
Suddenly, the world changes.
Cars are gone. No new and old, small and large, funny shaped and good looking ones.
Traffic lights are gone. Red, green, yellow, it doesn't really matter.
Darkness opens its mouth and swallow every detail ruthlessly. All left is a world with colorful dots, moving and shining - like a sweet dream that is so vague, like a winter night with stars that decorate. Like a fairy tale on Christmas eve, joyful and full of hope.
For just a few seconds, she tries to see the world.
Now she sees it, she forgets her existence. Subconsciously, almost out of instinct she puts on her glasses again. Ah, all the missing details are back, sneakily. Old woman smoking in her car. People hurry crossing the street. Steel building. Shadows of trees under somber street lamps. She feels distracted, so she grabs her wheel, pinches her fingers into it.
Silence. Then, the light jumps from red to green. Hitting the gas, she reminds herself about the stop sign next corner and starts to wonder a completely different subject: where to park tonight?
This wonderful moment is then buried, naturally, like many other amazing moments. How long would it take for her to find it again? Who knows, maybe when she is walking in dark; maybe in her dream tonight; or maybe it takes her a life time -  and before she is tired at last and closes her eyes, she sees the colored dots ahead in darkness. She then flies towards them delightfully, with a thought shooting across her mind like a meteor. Ah, I've seen it somewhere...she finally murmurs.


I look at other people whose minds have been occupied by various kinds of stuff, there is a feeling that is so subtle but yet so familiar coming to me - I was running or walking fast in a city. I turned my head from time to time and left some glimpses behind. Wind was blowing mildly and the sky was grey. My body was moving forward fast, but I kept turning my head and the wind messed with my hair so I had to lift my hand to pull the strand of hair back. When I stopped, that's the question, I never remember I stopped. But if I were to stop in the middle of the street, what would happen?


Lonely Holiday

Why? Some people love holiday and some people hate holiday, just like me at this moment. I was depressed tonight. I tried not to think about the question of where to spend my 4 day holiday for Christmas, but then just like usual I failed again. I was supposed to read some nice pages and learn something new, but instead I just whined and looked at my parents happily talking at the other end of the videocam. I felt helpless for the vulnerability of human. It's so hard to treat a holiday non-special and it's so hard to just stay at home and doing nothing for a holiday. Especially if you have already done so many times for so many holidays during the past year. Especially everyone has a home to go to and a family to get together with.

What happened to me? I'm suppose to think less and decide quick. I'm not supposed to deal with my own melancholy.

It's cold here at night. November is passing by and it seems that I forget some B-day wishes to some family and friends, as usual. When life becomes busy, remembering birthday is no longer checked on top of the calendar. December is bad. Now I hate December, just one more reason.

I need to go to bed.


It's all about people

Yesterday I read a case about four seasons hotel. They treat their employee really well and look at them as customer. Happy employee makes happy customers. I think it's not only true in service industry but also everywhere. For the past two days I have been spending time with manufacturing workers in the production floor. I have realized that quality starts from people. If you are proud of what you are doing, happy at what you are making then you are not just doing your job, but enjoying it at the same time. It's almost like turning a piece of repetitive and dull work into a piece of art. Invest in people, that's the wise choice.


Winter Afternoon

It starts to feel like winter days now. During weekdays when I get off work it's dark outside, and the orange headlights fade into the darkness from the cars passing by. When I'm sitting here in this cold, cloudy Saturday afternoon I feel particularly cozy and melancholy.

It always finds its way with some pieces of quiet music and a story with tickling tears, a bit sorrow. I'm confined in a small world and my life is like a lake. Occasionally rains and streams and the water from the snowy mountains will come to you. They chatter, they dance, they sing an unknown song. Those happiness and sorrow merge into your body, yet since you are vast,  so people - even yourself cannot tell a difference. But you are changed. If you are salty the fish will die and eventually you will become barren. If you are crystal clear the fish will die too as they need things to live on and at last you find your substance meaningless. Ah, meaningless. Yesterday I said to a friend that the worst thing I can imagine that happens to me is that I am so busy that I have no time to think. If I lose the ability to think then I won't feel anything. But if I still am alive, I still feel things then it must be cruel to not have time to think.

Huh, as if I think, I know the meaning.

Vulnerable. Fragile. Dreamy. That is human. I feel all your pain. I dare not to be the ocean, fearless and looking different every moment. All I can do is to be there and let your tears blended into mine, look up into the sky at night and humming you a lullaby. If I were to be stabbed at heart, I shall feel pain but I shall grow on my sorrow, until the whirl peaces out and I shall forgive.

I saw the postman getting off the car. I saw them coming near and knock the door. I saw them coming, just like a year ago when I sat by this very same window. Laughter and screams startled me from the living room. It almost feel like spring festival time now.

There's a certain slant of light - Emily Dickinson

There's a certain slant of light,
On winter afternoons,
That oppresses, like the weight
Of cathedral tunes.

Heavenly hurt it gives us;
We can find no scar,
But internal difference
Where the meanings are.

None may teach it anything,
'Tis the seal, despair,-
An imperial affliction
Sent us of the air.

When it comes, the landscape listens,
Shadows hold their breath;
When it goes, 't is like the distance
On the look of death.


Happy Birthday Mom

I wish you a happy birthday, mommy. If I was ever mad at you, if I ever broke your heart and made you cry - please forgive me. As I will always be your baby. I know I grew up with your laughter and tears, worries and wishes - and I am very proud to be your daughter.

I will not be me, without you.



It was a late Sunday afternoon. Windy and cloudy outside, it was just right for something cozy and warm. After more than half hour of wondering among shelves and shelves of Chinese books, I finally stopped in front of this one.

Thin and tiny, it said "the beauty of poems and passages series", written by Bo, Yang. I pulled it out, ah, it was a story book he wrote in prison for Jiajia, his beloved daughter.

I tried to read carefully through the vertical composition of the traditional Chinese characters. It was a simple book, easy to follow, yet I feel uneasy for every page I flipped. Bo Yang was remembered for his courage of speaking the truth, his black humors and his love to the country and the people. I read his memoir a while ago and I was surprised to see another side of Taiwan - the once dark and terrifying history behind its prosperous appearance today. People talk too much about civil rights when they speak of him. The words Politics and Democrats are so overly used. To me, he was a man to admire for his frankness.

There is this saying, you can say it is a cliche, reading a good book is like chatting with noble people. It doesn't have to be noble. It has to be real.

So I felt like I have talked to him about fatherhood for the afternoon. We talked long and the next thing I knew, I closed the book and walked outside of the library. It was already autumn, and the leaves were all chattering with the rhythms of the wind.

"My little baby! We, father and daughter,  are parted. But you should know, how I miss you! Before daddy were leaving home, every night you would climb to your own little bed to sleep, and you always wanted dad to tell you a story. Then I would kneed by your side and reached into your little quilt to hold your hand and tell you a story. You would listen and listen, suddenly you would open your eyes and asked, "How come it was so?" Then you gradually fell asleep and that's when daddy would sneak away. Now, daddy could no longer tell you stories by your little bed, so I will write you stories on letters. Once every week, and mommy will read you the story. Is it good? Now let daddy tell you a story of this little rabbit..."

Life and death, innocent and evil - those things live on each other and could not be separated. Such conflicts were striking my heart heavily, with its reality and its stunning beauty. Just like a simple fairy tale. Innocence was the child's face, smiling like a lily pad in the morning. What's behind innocence is the bleeding heart of a father, a weathered man who had seen all the sins of the world. He wants to shout out loud to let his child watch out for this world she was born into, and yet he had to sneak around, for fear that he would startle the child in the dream of innocence.

"Jiajia my child:
I have received the letter you wrote on Nov. 12th. I got it on the 21st. In March you could only write two or three lines, but you wrote nine, ten lines for this one. You said, 'How are you? I'm Jiajia.' It reminded me of you on TV. We have been parted for nine months - you must have grown up a little. Remember? After school you would always ran into my arms and kneed on my legs. You would climbed onto my neck and sniff all the time - 'The smell on daddy is really good', you would say. Mommy always dislikes you saying that, because the smell you like is really cigarettes! Now, without daddy by your side, every time I think of it, it always makes me teary...You said, 'You don't have to write to me, it must be very weary.' Maybe mom told you that I have to write on the floor - but what type of weary this is? I can only write once a week, so let me be 'weary'! I'm willing to die for you, for your mom, let alone to be 'weary'. My beloved daughter, when can you understand the heart of your father?"

Inevitably, I think of my father. Was I used to be this innocent girl that asked for stories every night? My father still tells stories nowadays - mostly about monkeys, tigers and lambs. I'm the tiger, he is the monkey and my mom is the lamb in Chinese Zodiacs. He would make up all these little stories, like tiger is away from the forest for a long time, so monkey is now the king. Lamb is working all the time so monkey go hiking. Little stories that rhythm and indicates where we are and what we are doing. I always have good laugh of those stories. A man is never old if he has a young heart. I still remember one short message he sent me when I was in college for the first week. Away from home for the first time, I was curious and home sick. He said, this morning I saw something glimmering in the southwestern. I looked at it more carefully - Ah, it is a gem on top of the Yujia mountain. Is that you? I was laughing immediately when I saw the message. Wuhan is in the southwestern of Nanjing, Yujia mountain is this one inside of our campus - and he was making a story of my name!

Sometimes father would lose his points when he starts to chat with me online. He would say something about the news, and keep going on and on. Or he could be saying this car he likes and keep going on and on. Sometimes when I say, dad I'm tired I need to go to sleep. He would say, Awh, you are always tired when I want to talk to you! Then I would laugh again and tell him we have been talking for over an hour, and that's when he would unwillingly let me go offline.

I have a deeper understanding of fatherhood now. It's hard to describe - I still couldn't figure out how I did that essay on my father when I was doing the college entrance exam. The words and sentences flew out of my pen - I even shed a few tears. It is hidden there somewhere, you just need to unveil it.

I didn't finish the story with the little rabbit. The words were vague in front of my teary eyes. Isn't life just like a fairytale a father told his daughter? Simple, full of love and wisdom. You know there are darkness out there. Just like when Bo Yang wrote the stories and said he was willing to die for his wife, that mom of his beloved daughter left him and got married again. I was not blaming at her, all I was saying is that - You know life is not perfect. But we still have the courage to live on, to love our life with our heart and soul. Isn't that enough?

Truth, Kindness and Beauty - I see the blissful future of humanity. Thank you, Bo Yang. That was a very nice chat about fatherhood and all that beyond.


Serenity is just good

Admit it and I'll not be in shadows.

Redemption, is a lamp, pouring rains in a pitch - dark night and

book, opening quietly on the desk.

No longer like the weather here.

Serenity is just good.


My first football game

I watched my cousin's high school football game yesterday. It was the first time that I watch a football game - of course, those times when i peeked at the TV don't count. I'm surprised that I was from OSU - if there is ever an alumni test I will fail without question.

Little kids were fighting on the grounds. Little kids were singing and dancing and waiving colorful pom poms. Little kids were acting Harry Potter so devotedly over some bad microphones. Balloons were flying high into the dark sky - my eyes were hurt by the shining football field light.

I was moved by a losing game - 3:21. I looked at these kids and I feel I was once young. We used to be so devoted no matter what the results were. We used to believe what we believe, so stubborn and yet hopeful for a bright future. What happened to the time elapsed? Time is a thief, stealing the precious. Time is water drops, etching away so many things without us noticing.

Nobody likes to be old. Young people likes to be called grown ups. Old people grasp the tail of time and wants to be called with a young heart.

I thought a lot. I still couldn't figure out how they ruled the game, but that didn't really matter. I sort of started to envy those kids - I felt like traveling back to my high school years and saw the 17 year old me - I want to talk to her.

She looked up from her desk and gazed upon me. Then she laughed and ran through me, swirling up some dust, through the slant of light,  in this normal winter afternoon.



Recently I realized that all I've wanted are illusions. It is cruel to realize that, and I'm still reluctant to accept this thought.

I love to read ancient stories in China, things that were so far away - both in time and location. I found them fascinating, and all of them make me wanting to go back to that time and location badly. When I know I couldn't go through time I put my focus into location. True, my parents and friends are there. True, I grew up there and lots of memories. But deep down in my heart, what I miss so much and want so much is the feeling of history. Thousands of years of history, philosophy - all kinds of them. I dreamed of boating in a river where it is so quiet, with willows and setting sun. I dreamed of the road covered in autumn leaves that were once walked by emperors thousand of years ago. I dreamed of browsing all the books in Chinese in a library and sit there the whole afternoon.

Then I realize that I dreamed so many things that are just the cream on top of the coffee. Deep down the life there, are grey skies, crowded everywhere and some people without mercy and gratitude. Am I really going to enjoy that part? Can I live with that part well, yet still chasing what I love that is in my dream? Would I become so busy at life and forget that I once dreamed so many things? Would I be so realistic that I forget who I am?

Ah, life is so short! I love this world and yet I feel so confused and conflicted. I don't care so much about life and death, at least for now - so I'm really at lost with Buddhism. But I like the philosophy after it - Causality, causality, causality. The mystery is going on, and I don't know when I will be settled in peace. 

We will see, what life brings me, around the next corner.


DD Foody Stuff - Papaya Pudding

Today I cut a papaya and ate 1/4 of it. The two little kids refused to eat any - why waste the food? Then I decided to update the DD kitchen recipe today! - It has been at least a month since I last made something special. I have always been waiting till the weather is cool a little bit - but I guess I can't wait that long...especially for a long weekend!

So - here we go!
Ingredients: a large cup of milk, cut papaya, two eggs, two large spoons of sugar
1. Heat the milk and put sugar in, stir until the sugar is fully melted
2. Cool down the milk and scramble two eggs into it and mix it well
3. Sift twice
4. Put the papaya into pudding cups and fill the mixer into the cups to about 80%  full
5. Put hot water into baking pan and put cups into the pan
6. Put the pan carefully into the preheated oven (340F) and leave it there for ~70 min (I originally set the temperature to 325F for 50min then I realized that I have to raise the temperature...)

When you see the pudding in the middle is about to be jelly-ish, you can carefully take the pan out. Remove the cups from the water and let them cool down - I like to eat warm but I'm pretty sure they taste better when cold! So Emmo put two cups into refrigerator and leave them to savor later :p  I hope they like it - Next time I should put more sugar to make it perfect!


Love your stomach and it will love you

Grandma said, you love your stomach and it will love you back.


A Saturday Morning

This is a usual Saturday morning. A bit unusual because it is not sunny at all. People get gloomy now and then, especially on a dark, cloudy day.
Yet I'm in a peaceful mind, dotted with pleasantness coming from nowhere.
Freedom, songs, mailman.
A wish to the future, is just like watching a child in sleep - blissful, full of hope - upon the gazing of the little face.


Be more decisive

Too much hesitation is a bad thing. Action always speaks louder than words. Just do it! Enjoy the youth and don't forget your faith.

They say multitasking is low efficiency- I need the capability of pick up & put down,focus, and relax.

Life is all serious? It is what it is. Surprise me then!



Inner peace is the hardest to get. Avoidance is just going to bring more issues later. Face it, and let it be.


If you forget me - Neruda

I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine






不灭,不忘记 -


Parents of the world

Sometimes I envy those who are parents. Sometimes I feel helpless for them. I'm deeply touched and yet I'm hesitating. The love is unselfish at all- but at some point I feel it's all for one himself. I think of my mom now and at this moment all of a sudden I'm all tears.


How to Say No?

I feel like there are something I need to learn:
1) Be patient and wait for the best time to react
2) Be brave and say no

I can really work on improving those things.


I Think I Need To Go Out For A Walk

I think I need to go out for a walk.
It has been tiring, like usual, with the glittering of the happiness of humanity.



I'm in a blue, blue mood.
The sun and the wind and the palm trees.
They say it never rains in California.

Today my mom went back home. The place I call home. I bet she starts to miss me already. I am your child. One and only - not matter where I am, how old I am, and who I am. I'm naughty and lazy, only when you are by my side.

My heart is soft. I stop at red light, watch cars passing by. Traffic goes on and off, and time fast forward. For a moment, I feel like I'm a camera and the world is revolving around me.

Mankind is so self-contradictory. Actually the world is composed of contradictions - just like the Tai-chi pattern. Everything is yuan fen then.

I need some rest. Then I need to sit down and read some books. Start to take care of myself and not to worry to much. Denise was right, when your mom is with you, there is no place dangerous. It reminded me in "how I met your mother" when Marshall described the feeling his dad gave him - "He was like some superhero who could see way out into the darkness."

Now I am driving, not everybody else.


Robot & Unicorn

On the way back home I heard the "Tech Talk" from NPR, which talks about the robot conversation from Cornell University. The researchers wired two chat box robots together and let themselves have a conversation. It was really funny.

One of my good friends said that he is going to study artificial intelligence. I can now see how the topic is interesting. When robots can drive car for us, chat with us, is there anything that they couldn't do? What world are they gonna be in? Not human, definitely not just animal. Interesting!



Why do I even believe in horoscopes?
But the weird thing is, it matches to a great extent of my character and those around me.
I guess there must be some sense in it, it is just that I don't know yet.
I don't know so many things. But it's ok, I don't have to know them all. I just need to believe in what I believe in.

Book List

Let me just keep down the book that I want to read, in case I forget:

Title: Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes (OCPL Avail)
Author: Daniel L. Everett
Publisher: Pantheon Books; 2008
Category: Humanities - Linguistics

Title: ONWARD: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul (OCPL On Hold)
Author: Howard Schultz
Publisher: Rodale Inc, 2011
Category: Business

Title: The New Culture of Desire (Amazon)
Author: Melinda Davis
Publisher: Free Press, 2002

Category: Business


The world is flat

It is an interesting book. Maybe I should have read it in college. But I was too immersed at literatures back then. Now I still like philosophy & literature more than economics, but I find economics more appealing as it plays such an important role in shaping our world. Supply chain, outsourcing, offshore manufacturing, those are terms that I don't know much about. A world with all mixed thoughts faiths realities and possibilities - fantastic


Oh Lily

Do you feel lonely?
Please - Just please
Don't run to me.

I don't want to lie
But I'm sad
when watching you in the eye

They say you are a clown
They say you are a cutie

They say you are good and bad -
Girl or Doggy

Don't cry
And don't watch me like that
Maybe you don't want to trade your freedom
Just like me.

Do you have a choice?

You made me sad, girl - or should I say - doggy


I feel tired

Today as usual I feel tired. I played piano for a while to keep myself being peaceful. I tried my best to understand my mom but sometimes she is driving me crazy. I understand that there is a huge gap between us and sadly I realized that at some point it's actually better to keep a distance, not to irritate her. I know that I inherited the stubbornness from her, but still it makes me feel uneasy to try convince her that- the world is larger than she thinks. She would say something to make me feel guilty but I know she didn't mean it. It drives me crazy when she doesn't admit her wrong doings. There is some absolute correctness in things I believe, but she just refuses to give it a thought. Ah, stubbornness. I feel so helpless. Maybe I should try let her read.